Chorus's & Voyager NZ's explanation of broadband connection types
Before you choose a plan or connection type with your broadband provider it’s a good idea to get a basic understanding of the difference between the technologies and connection types available.

A few things to keep in mind as you read the information
Cost of the Internet connection
How many people use your connection
The speed your require - If you only email, search the internet and do a little bit of You Tube you probably do not need a super fast connection
If you download large files, stream sports, download movies or play online games you will require a faster connection
Consider how much data you use - email and web searching uses very little. Streaming, movie downloads and online gaming use much more
Each of the connection types have speed and or data restrictions or options.
All Fibre connections are not the same. There are speed options and data limit options.
Now for the Chorus & Voyager NZ links!!!!!!
Click here >> Voyager NZ's Information on Broadband connections <<Click here
Click here >> Chorus's explanation of Broadband connection types <<Click here