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Your standard Gmail / Google account has 15gig of free available storage space, this space is taken up by Google Drive, emails, photos, documents and backups.

How much space have you actually got available? To find this out, go to and check out the Storage box.

Storage: In this example 65% of the google storage is used

Click "View storage details" to see where your space is being used

Clean up space: In this case shows the possibility of cleaning 9gig

To clean up your storage space by emptying your Deleted emails, Spam emails and Google drive Deleted files, click "Clean up space"

Here you can review and clean up your storage

Clicking the review link in each of the above will take you to your Deleted emails, Spam emails and Google drive Deleted files.

Select All or Select the individual items you wish to Delete Permanently

Always keep in mind your Deleted folders are a safety net to catch accidentally deleted items, it is NOT for storage.


Below Discarded items you also have Large items, from here you can select things you wish to remove from your Google storage. Keep in mind that files removed from here cannot be recovered from the Trash.

You may wish to download anything from your large items section to your computer or other storage media before deleting.

Keep an eye out for this Fraudulent NZTA registration renewal email.

This Waka Kotahi email looks good, it does not have the tell tale signs of poor translation or bad spelling.

It does however, as shown by the arrows "Not" take you to the official NZTA web site

The sent from email address is also invalid

On clicking the link in the above email you are redirected to a "FAKE" NZTA web page

This page is a "copy" of the actual NZTA web page and is intended to trick you into entering in your personal details and financial information

NOTE the address in the address bar

Always check the destination of any link before you click, search for the actual web site or type the actual address in to your browser.

The actual NZTA Registration renewal page is

If you receive a similar email to above you can report it to NZTA

When you signed up for your Google account did you pick a fun name? Big Davo!

Did you share your email with a significant other Davo & Sally?

Did you simply misspell your name and never got round to correcting it?

Whatever the reason, don't worry, you can do it in a few simple steps.

Note! Changing your Google Account / Gmail name does not effect your username or email address.

1 . Go to Gmail and login to your account

2 . Click your account, round button (top right)

3 . Click Manage Your Google account

4 . Click Personal Info (Left side)

5 . Click the name zone or arrow

6 . Click in the first name box

7 . Delete the old name

8 . Type your new choice

9 . You do not need to enter a last name

10. Click Save

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