SSID is short for service set identifier
In layman's terms, the SSID is the name of your Wi-Fi network

Method One (Easy)
Look on the bottom or back of your modem/router for a wifi key or password
Method Two (Easy)
Ask your Kids or Grand Kids
Method Three (Moderate)
Windows computer - **Must be connected to your Wi-fi network already
Press the Windows key and R
Type ncpa.cpl in the run box and press Enter
Right click on the wireless network adaptor and select Status
Click the Wireless Properties button
In the Properties dialog that appears, move to the Security tab
Click the Show characters check box
Method Four (Moderate)
Windows 10
Press the Windows key and R
Type cmd in the run box and press Enter
Type netsh wlan show profile in the cmd black screen and press Enter
Look for your SSID
Type in netsh wlan show profile ***** key=clear, press Enter ( ***** is your SSID. Replace ***** with your SSID name)
Under Security Settings in Key Content will be the last saved password
Method Five (Difficult)
Connect a computer using a LAN cable to your modem/router
Press the Windows key and R
Type cmd in the run box and press Enter
Type ipconfig in the cmd black screen and press Enter
Note the default gateway number (*
Open your web browser
In the address bar type in the default gateway number and press enter
You should be presented with your modem/router login page
Enter the username and password and press enter (Check the back of your modem/router for these)
Look for the Wi-fi section then Wi-Fi security section
Look for a password box
Look for a check box to either show or hide the password (check/uncheck)
We recommend you do not make any changes to your modem configuration. if you make changes to your Wi-Fi settings you will need to reconnect "ALL" of your Wi-fi devices (Phones, Tablets, Printers, TVs, Notebooks and so on)